Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Then fill the container


1880's, Russian microbiologist named Sergei Vinogradsky found that

water mud poured into the bottle high and the sun was

many different colors. He found that by adding a few simple things, such as

sheese or paper, it can control which colors appear. Here is a recipe for creating your own column Vinogradsky. Further information: >> << to do and said: Remove any stones or dirt to stick in the mud and put in bowl >>. << Mix it with water until a matching cream. Remove

label on your container. Put in shredded paper and egg, add

inches of dirt, and mix well. Then fill the container

dirt centimeters to the top and cover it. Wash your hands after

3 shapes of bacteria

complete the installation. Place the container

on foot with 40-watt bulbs, you can go on

all the time. Every few days, briefly remove the top >> << container to express gas (if too much gas allowed to expand, it could undermine

top). If the dirt on top of dry, add

a little water. After a few weeks you will see an aura of brilliant colored

bacteria. Keep watching and you will see that the colors develop

and change over the next few months. Many species of bacteria

live in the mud. Some destroyers strattera online, which are nutrients

through destruction of organic materials such as paper and egg thing. In the process of decomposition, all the oxygen in the bottom >> << vessels used. More >> << bacteria photosynthesis. Blue-green bacteria, at the top of >> << using mud column of light carbon from carbon dioxide and hydrogen

with water to produce oxygen and carbohydrates, as well as plants.

Carbon dioxide released when they should redutsentov

break the paper and eggs. What

happening? Red, orange and green

bacteria that grow in the bottom of the column >> << less tolerant or completely intolerant of oxygen. They

photosynthesis, but they get hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide, >> << gas which smells like rotten eggs. Your container, hydrogen sulfide released >> << destroyers at break >> << protein in the egg. Your

dirt contains some of each of these types of bacteria, when you put together

it. You give bacteria the conditions are just right

for them and their population exploded. Colorful patches

billions of bacteria colonies. Yes

what? For >> << first billion years that life existed on the planet, >> << atmosphere containing little oxygen. Bacteria, like those in the bottom of the column dirt

prospered. It was not until about two billion years ago

that blue-green bacteria filled the atmosphere with oxygen photosynthetic >> << product waste. It is actually driven by other types of bacteria

in places where there is no oxygen in the dirt and sediment

, and (more recently) on the entrails of animals and plants. But these

oxygen-phobic bacteria still play a key role. Some are

participate in the global sulfur cycle. Other transformations of nitrogen in the form

appropriate plants. And no cows or termites will enjoy th

through cellulose diet without beneficial bacteria in the intestines >> << that digest cellulose for them. .

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